What the Children’s Ministry Leadership Believes
- Start with Prayer
- Continue with Prayer
- Pray some more
- When not sure, we pray
- We get together to pray
- When done praying, pray
- Ask others to pray
- Pray for others
- Continue to Pray
- End with Prayer

Pray without ceasing. Prayer will change our lives first before we minister to the children.
Our Vision
The Bible says to “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” ( Proverbs 22:6 )
The children of POWER HOUSE COMMUNITY CHURCH are encouraged to be and recognized as a functioning part of the Christian family.
Our Main Purpose
To teach our children about the Word of God, and to minister to them in prayer, word and deed. To lead them in prayer, praise and worship, and most important into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that children are part of the body of Christ − a community in relationship with God through the gift of Jesus Christ, a community in which all members are valued and contribute to the whole. Children are the recipients of the church’s grace, but they are also participants and contributors to its life, mission and witness. The church must hold children in the same esteem as its adult participants. Taking children and their gifts seriously is essential to the journey toward wholeness in the church.