an open Bible
Our pastors Reverend Geoffrey and Mrs. Lucy Gatambia bring Godly leadership to POWER HOUSE COMMUNITY CHURCH.

They believe:

The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. It is God’s way of making us well prepared at every point, fully equipped to do good to everyone. 2 Timothy 3: 16 -17​ “Follow God’s example in everything you do just as a much loved child imitates his father. Be full of love for others, following the example of Christ who loved you and gave himself to God as a sacrifice to take away your sins.” Ephesians 5: 1-2​ They thank God, whom they serve from their forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing they have remembrance of thee in their prayers night and day. 2 Timothy1:3 Pastor and Mrs. Gatambia are proud parents of 2 daughters and 1 son.
a woman figure a woman figure
a man standing a man standing
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